Sunday, June 24, 2007

An Update? Or a new beginning?

We've been busy, but here I am. Elizabeth got out of school last week. I am now the mother of a 5th grader. Whoa! She had a great year and leaves with many happy memories and a love of Lewis and Clark history. Thank her teacher for that 'cuz she doesn't get it from me! Let's see, what else...not too much new with Paul and I. Well, a lot new, I guess, but it's all house related....(ooh...a new toilet, a new sink drain, a new get the picture, I won't bore you with more!) We've also been at war with paint...trying to get that elusive "perfect paint job" on our walls. My step-dad had some good advice: "if a friend comes over and comments on one of your flaws...hand them a paintbrush and tell them to fix it". So, if you come over, you better gush over what a good paint job we did 'cuz I still remember which box I put the paintbrushes in! Ready for some pictures? Here is my peony crop this year. I swear, they KNOW we are moving...this is the best batch of peonies I've ever had. Usually I don't cut them, but it has been raining so much that they were laying on the ground chop chop and now they are in my dining room (in a mason jar because all the vases have been packed)
Here are the last of the Easter eggs this year....don't worry this picture IS old...we don't still have them!
On the house front, we got our kitchen cabinets built. Here is one wall...
And here is a view of the kitchen (and Elizabeth's knee) from the dining room...
Here is the faucet we agonized over for a month....
All for to bed...will post again at the end of summer...just kidding - will try to get back more often. Hopefully I will remember my log-in and it won't take 10 minutes and 2 "retrieve lost password" emails! Maria